»In the process of design, there are manifold challenges and the pure pleasure of creating. Best conditions to get to know and develop your potency.«
Isabelle Dechamps, c/o
Who are we?
be able is a creative collective for inclusion and integration of socially disadvantaged people through design. In 2010 the social designer Isabelle Dechamps developed the award-winning educational concept of be able in cooperation with a workshop for people with disabilities. The aim was to stimulate the creativity of the individuals, to increase their self-esteem and strengthening their social skills by enableing them to design their own products.
. Since then, the innovative approach has been steadily developed for diverse stakeholder groups and has proven to be a catalyst for creativity, social skills and inclusion. As a non-profit organization, we work throughout Germany with a competent network of designers, personnel developers and other experts.
Core Team
The core team is the operational heart of our organisation. We conceive, guide and lead the educational formats and form our network for social design and inclusion.
Founder, Project Lead, Design Thinking
Isabelle Dechamps
Craftsmenship, Project Lead, Space and Furniture Design
Ferdinand Pechmann
Product Development, Design Thinking
Yi-Cong Lu
Design Facilitation, PR
Amélie Cayré
be able e.V.
be able operates as a non profit organisation.
Executive Board
Benedikt Dechamps
(copy 2)
Executive Board
Ferdinand Pechmann
Executive Board
Isabelle Dechamps
Madita Best
Kathinka Best
Legal Advice
Astrid Roettgen
Further be able associates
In our projects we collaborate with a wide network of enablers from diverse backgrounds and competencies.