Put on the table or on the kitchenboard this couple of Spice Jars offer you a sensual variation to keep your spices. They are produced and handcrafted at the ceramic workshop of VIA Werkstätten. VIA employee Katja Renner desiges each of them with a new pattern.
Porcelain, Wood, Silicone 7 x 5 x 5 cm 2er Set: 31,90 €
"... and every jar is different."
Katja Renner
Katja Renner is a specialist in structures. She decorates her products with coarse or fine patterns which give an extraordinary charme. At the beginning of this project she took a cylinder and divided it into two pieces. In a next step she closed the pieces on one side with round bottoms. This is how the form was created which should become the ground for her structures. The further design and production of the jar was carried by the project board and the workshop staff. Katja Renner keeps carving the structures.
This design process was accompanied by the designer Isabelle Dechamps.