What does inclusion mean and what barriers do people with different disabilities have in their daily lives?

In the winter semester 2016/17, 23 students of different disciplines from HAWK in Hildesheim are working on new solutions for a more inclusive co-operation in our society.

In order to give them a good introduction to the subject, we conducted a three-day workshop in Berlin, together with Raul Krauthausen from SOZIALHELDEN, Larisa Tsvetkova from Acessabilitytours and Hannah Schmid, student of urban planning and a wheelchair user like Raul.

Lecture impulses by SOZIALHELDEN and be able, an investigation at IKEA with empathy tools such as wheelchairs and blindfolds and a fast forward design process in the be able workshop have opened up completely new possibilities and ideas. We are looking forward to the graduation work of the students!

In cooperation with


Isabelle Dechamps, Raul Krauthausen and Larisa Tsvetkova