“The social acceptance of the forensic psychiatry is still low and linked with many prejudices. This fact is reflected in the general difficulties of the patients to come back in the society.”
How can better reintegration of patients of the Forensics be more successful? Patients, clinic employees and external participants developed a creative process which produced ground breaking attempts to the reintegration of forensic patients in new ways. These methods were developed to make the realities and concerns of their lives the central focus; the needs to meet potential employers and present social uncertainties had to be taken into account. The project was conducted with four forensic clinics in Nord Rhein Westfallen. Every clinic formulated one main focus which gave the perspective to each workshop. They illuminated this main focus from different perspectives and compiled astonishing concepts. They are all original, action-oriented and they meet the complexity of the clinic in the way that they are offering an attempt to solve problems at several levels ( political, social, infrastructural, therapeutic, etc.).